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An herbalist’s approach: Healing through ancestral systems

My relationship with herbalism feels very innate and ancestral. Intuitive and restorative. More spiritual than physical — and it’s not something I take lightly. I honor it. I nurture it.

I make it for mind and body.

As an herbalist, I focus intently on our emotional health and staying grounded. My herbal collection is inspired by this.

My heart is to create a true farm to pharmacy experience through the art of botany, plant consciousness/spirituality, medicinal herbs, and intuitive gardening. To preserve ancient wisdom and re-embody what was stolen and colonized.

Through passion, dedication, and life-work, I want to empower you to live a healthy, abundant life and find whole self-wellness of the mind, body, and spirit. I want you to love the way you feel and do more of what you love, every single day. In that, I’ve released my most dear hand-crafted herbal remedies in pursuit of collective healing.

I couldn’t take full responsibility of the magic in the medicine if I wanted to — Spirit really guides me when making these blends. Together we transcend and transmute. It’s like an intuitive voice/feeling that guides me through everything. I’m the medicine woman, therefore I alchemize. My hands and heart are just the vessel.

Hope my blends do as much for you as they do, me.

I give this my all.
