Finding Peace and Purpose During Times of Uncertainty

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COVID-19 and its shelter in place orders are pulling at everyone, unearthing many different feelings. So many shifts and changes are taking place. Everything looks and feels a little differently. Days are blending; weeks seem as though they're on repeat. If I didn't understand the significance of changing my perception of time before, I do now.

I appreciate the slowness and steadiness we have all been forced to adapt to. I'm enjoying the delicate balance between laziness and productivity, connected and unplugged, resting, and creating. And as uncomfortable as the brunt of this situation has been, I still have a realistic level of faith in humanity.

I foresee a lot of room for growth, sustainability, abundance, and enlightenment – and it's coming with a huge responsibility to work on ourselves. The best thing we can do during this time is to create the necessary preparation, self-awareness, well-being, and intention needed to thrive in this new period we are entering. I welcome the unknown, evolved 'normal' and pray for mindful and sound restoration and healing.

I hope wherever you are in the world; you're taking care and remembering your power. Here is a round-up of the things that have been helping me to find joy, gratitude, and inspiration in life's simple offerings amidst the stress of this pandemic.

Creating my haven

Before this pandemic, I was in the process of moving forward with many transformative things. 2020 was (and still is) most definitely the year of evolution for me. The abrupt halt of the pandemic was disheartening and uninspiring. Still, as I settled into the change, I realized that the real magic was in the present moment.

Spending more time inside has helped my home best reflect my energy more than it ever has. I feel a constant wave of creativity, love, and serenity since giving self-expression more of a priority in my life again. I have been doing a lot of rearranging/reorganizing. I finally started my apartment garden, I've added several new plants to my collection, and I've mastered creating a comfortable space conducive to both my toddler and myself. From decluttering to donating outdated items that no longer serve me, I feel a different level of peace and tranquility. People sometimes underestimate the inspiration our home environments have for our overall well-being.

I encourage you to take the time and make your spaces reflect an environment where you feel lively and most esteemed.

Diving deeper into my morning routine

Routines are meant to serve as guidelines, not pressure to be perfect. They may even change as you find what feels best for you, but consistency is key. My morning routine slightly differs from before this quarantine, but one thing that has remained unswerving is that I crave early hours. I find rejuvenation in rising with the sun, and I appreciate the stillness and vibrancy of nature during the early risings. Being present with my mornings helps keep me grounded, intentional and encourages me to honor my basic needs so that I can tackle what the rest of the day has in store for me.

Whether I am journaling, exercising, reading, or fixing myself a cup of tea, I have discovered that my morning routine corresponds with my peace of mind and productivity throughout the day. And lately, I have needed that luxury more than ever.

I encourage you to get into a flow that feels most lucrative for what you want to accomplish. Whatever that may be.

Honoring my body

I'm in tune in ways that I haven't been in a long time. Spirit has guided me to step away from outside distractions and be more mindful about what I consume and regurgitate back into the world. I have been honoring my body by becoming a better listener, resting when I'm called to, and clearing out the clutter to make space for anew.

I know there's pressure to remain productive during these times, but it's important to remind ourselves that productivity looks different for everyone. Let's be mindful of the influence of maintaining a healthy balance because although resting is productive, nothing comes to those who lack consistent, focused action. Go with the flow of your body but also exercise discipline.

Making this time as tranquil and peacefully productive as possible has been my personal goal. I often derail when I extend myself beyond my limits, so I have learned to value the power in placing self-care above all else. I have found that reminding myself of this helps to release any guilt that may fester on the days where I feel I could have done more. I'm also equally mindful of rewarding myself on the days I accomplish my tasks.

I encourage you to honor your body and let Spirit guide you. That little voice in your head that finds inspiration in the things around you is there for a reason.

Staying the course

Stressing about matters out of your control serves no purpose for your higher good. The most lucrative thing to do during uncertainty is to prioritize knowledge, inspiration, health, and strength. It's easy to lose motivation while feeling the pressure of an unknown timeline. Stress levels spike, distractions become more appealing, goals and routines feel mundane, and insecurities/fear creep in. Moments of uncertainty are exhausting, but the waves of clarity make it worthwhile. 

One thing that keeps me grounded is reminding myself of my purpose. It helps to be clear about my intentions, visualize what I want, not settle for less than I deserve, and accept the responsibility of what I was sent to contribute to life. I welcome the little messages that life sends to remind me that I am and have all that I need to see my purpose through.

Allowing my passions to align with my purpose encourages me to design my life so that everything I do is a form of self-care and manifestation. I find that curating daily journal entries and documenting all of my dreams creates a road map of how I want to get where I'm going while experiencing the present moment of it all.

I encourage you to stay the course, utilize the resources around you, and manifest the life you want, no matter what dilemmas and distractions arise. Pass each test and apply what you learned to the next one, because best believe, life is full of them.

Be inspired. Blessed. And gracious. 

Big Love,



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